Friday, April 26, 2013

Burke High School Rockstars

Jessica Brashear blogged on momoha about the Burke High Rockstars needing to raise money for their trip to Chicago where they will be sight seeing and meeting a professional organization known as Think Beyond the Label.   

They did it and they're going!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Malorie & Bryan ♥

One of my best friends is getting married.  I made her this book on shutterfly.  I've been waiting to post this! Her bridal/lingerie shower was tonight.

Click here to view this photo book larger
Shutterfly offers exclusive layouts and designs so you can make your book just the way you want.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day

I planted a seedling 5 years ago today.  Last summer I planted a 3.5 foot tree.  It might be the only plant I have touched and not killed, but it counts!  Happy birthday tree, and Happy Earth Day! What will you do today to celebrate this earth?
Be sure to be aware of our planet ♥

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A peaceful response

Came across this nice blog entry about a group of people in Boston who responded in the loveliest way to the bombings.  They wrote "Friends of Syria, we too hope for the safety of your families and for peace. 20/4/2013" in response to "Boston bombings represent a sorrowful scene of what happens everyday in Syria. Do accept our condolences. 19/4/2013"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

High school student stands up to principal

Came across an article about a high school student who voices her opinion but it is not shared by her principal.  Apparently, the principal made threats to contact the University she accepted to attend this coming Fall and tell them that she has bad character.  It made the University want her more....  Check it out.

Girl with Autism learns to communicate

After not speaking for 11 years, this young girl with Autism learns to communicate by typing on a computer.  This video about a book written by her and her father is very inspiring and what she expresses is even more so.  According to the video, in the book she talks about her struggles and what it is like to have Autism.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Music Therapy - Somebody That I Used To Know (Gotye)

A music therapist, Andrew, from where I interned last summer in Tallahassee, Florida is now the assistant director for The George Center for Music Therapy Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia.  The following is an awesome advocacy video for music therapy he put together. (Also be sure to click on Andrew's name and see his awesome website which he made through something he told me about on wordpress. One day I might just have to try to create a fancy website like that of my own!)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Read about ways to make your next IEP awesome

A professor showed me a great blog today.  I'll probably reference it again.  In the meantime, check out this post about some (funny) ways to make your next IEP (individualized education program) awesome!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Elephants can paint. What about dolphins?

Last Spring a group of us from my art therapy counseling graduate program at Emporia State University went to the Topeka Zoo to paint with the elephants.  It was so much fun and the elephants are very smart!  Austin showed me this great video about dolphins who react to a mirror.  I had a thought, think we could teach dolphins to paint?  They are very intelligent :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

cover of Piano Man

A 6-year-old with Autism plays Piano Man by Billy Joel.  Sit back and enjoy.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013